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My Journey with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy


My Journey with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy


Hello friends.  It’s been a minute since I’ve posted here on zee blog.  I’ve missed you, and I hope you’ve missed me too.  🙂 If you’re like me, you’ll try anything to feel great and look younger.  Ok, well — not really anything.  But I am always looking for ways to improve my health and welcome anything that keeps me looking young too.  Today I want to share my journey with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, why it’s important and the results I’ve experienced.

A few months ago, I decided to try Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.  I scheduled a consultation with Dr. Anderson at Anderson Plastics.  Due to the Corona Virus, I have had a bit of a delay in sharing this post.  As you know, doctor’s offices were closed and/or limited in seeing patients for a couple months.  Now that things have opened back up, I am excited to share this journey with you.  In this post, I will share 1) symptoms related to hormone imbalance, 2) the prescriptions prescribed for bioidentical hormone treatment therapy and 3) the results I’ve experienced thus far from treatment.


One thing I truly enjoy about blogging is sharing beneficial information to my readers.  From fashion to makeup to skincare, I love posting about things that improve your daily life.  Sharing about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a more in-depth issue than fashion or the latest eye cream—I know.  I am super excited to share with you something that can greatly improve your quality of life.

Facts about Aging

Let’s start with some facts about our aging bodies.

Men and women are often taught as they grow older that certain issues are simply part of aging — menopause symptoms, weight gain, fatigue, loss of mental clarity, decreased sex drive, slowed hair growth, etc. But many of these issues can be directly treated with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

For women, the beginning of hormonal imbalance often accompanies menopause, and the loss of estrogen can put them at risk of premature ovary failure, heart disease, colon cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, and other serious health consequences. Here are signs you may notice in your daily life that hormone replacement therapy could improve:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Decreased muscle strength
  • Reduced sexual desire
  • Exhaustion, low energy, and fatigue
  • Weight gain, particularly around the stomach and midsection area
  • Thinning hair
  • Reduced mental clarity and difficulty concentrating
  • Dry skin
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Menstrual cycles gradually ending
  • Moodiness, anxiety or depression
  • Inability to lose weight despite a healthy diet and lifestyle
  • Muscle and/or joint pain
  • Decreased muscle strength

Most of us are experiencing some or, more likely, many of these symptoms as we age.  I know I sure was.  Sometimes, a doctor will prescribe hormones without testing your levels.  This is how estrogen was prescribed to me.  What I didn’t know was that taking estrogen alone can greatly increase your chances of getting breast and uterine cancer.  Taking other hormones along with it (like progesterone), helps counter act that.  I had no idea I was at risk for breast cancer!  Dr. Anderson offers a comprehensive approach, which is vital when dealing with hormone replacement.


The Process

The process is simple.  First, my blood was drawn and sent to the lab to test my hormone levels before beginning treatment.  This gives the practitioner a baseline of where to start with prescribing the appropriate dosage of bioidentical hormones for my body.  I received my prescriptions via mail from a compounding pharmacy and began taking them daily.  Having them delivered has been so helpful during the Pandemic.  That’s one less trip to the store I must make!  After approximately 60 days, levels are checked again to see what adjustments should be made.  Dosages for some or all medications are adjusted, as deemed appropriate by the  hormone therapy practitioner.  This is a process that is repeated until hormones reach normal levels.  Periodic testing ensures I get a treatment plan and prescriptions that meet the specific needs of my body.


The medications/hormones prescribed for me are:  Estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA, Testosterone, Pregnenalone and NP Thyroid.  From my personal experience, not all doctors prescribe all of these medications.  Dr. Anderson takes a thorough approach, including more than just hormones.  His treatment therapy also includes recommending Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and melatonin.  All of these medications work synergistically to provide a multitude of benefits.



Here is what I experienced in the first few months.

Increased Energy

I felt more energetic.  I often felt very tired in the afternoon before taking hormones.  After starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, I had more energy to tackle my to-do list each day.  I have increased mental clarity.  Being able to concentrate and not experience mental fog helps me get through my fast paced workday easier.

Better Sleep

I had trouble falling asleep, and would waken often through the night.  My sleep has improved greatly since starting this therapy.  I fall asleep easier and sleep soundly all night.

Thicker Healthier Hair

My hair is thicker and growing without the use of hair-growth vitamins.  On a recent visit to my hair stylist, we noticed a lot of new hair growth.  I was worried that it was broken hair, but she determined it was simply new growth.  I had no idea an underactive thyroid would cause a slow in hair growth. #whoknew?

Improved Muscle Strength

I am noticing improved muscle strength.  I was losing muscle mass, and thought it was just a part of aging.  Weightlifting at the gym was not yielding the same results I saw in my 30s and 40s.  But now I am slowly seeing the strength and muscle come back with my workouts. I am super impressed with this benefit especially!


The results are gradual, meaning you won’t notice a difference overnight.  However, as you remain on the treatment, have your levels tested and dosages adjusted to fit your needs, you will see improvement in many areas.  I’ve been receiving bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for approximately four months.  The treatment has already improved my quality of life, including mood, energy and an overall greater sense of well-being.

I am excited to see the results and look forward to even more improvement in the months to come.  Stay tuned as I share more of my journey with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in future posts.  Leave a comment below if you have any questions.  If you want to learn more about this treatment, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Anderson.  Dr. Anderson will take the time to explain the treatment and help you decide if it is right for you.

My philosophy is — Growing old is inevitable, looking and feeling old is not! 



This post is a partnership with Anderson Plastics.  All opinions are my own.

About Author

A fashion, fitness and lifestyle blogger sharing style for any age. I share beauty and makeup too, with a little bit of travel here and there. Bright colors are my jam. Home is Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

(4) Comments

  1. First of all you look so good. I am almost there with menopause and I just saved this post because I know I will soon need it.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words. I hope the post is informative & helpful for you. The treatment had been very beneficial for me.

  2. Very timely read as I have my first appointment today to start the evaluation process! Thanks for sharing your journey

    1. Oh. I am glad and I hope it was helpful. You’ll have to keep me posted on your experience.

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